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Summer Learning Assignments

In preparation for the upcoming school year, each student needs to spend time over the summer weeks completing the assigned IXL codes & Summer reading and activities. 

All Grade Level Reading & IXL codes are due on the first day of school.  


Summer Reading Activities are listed here for the grade a student is entering this Fall

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Continue building those Math and Literacy skills by practicing on IXL.  All students have IXL codes in both Math and Language Arts assigned by their teacher.  Students need to complete each summer code to at least 80%.  Click the IXL picture to be directed to the website!

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Access to books over the summer is easy with Libby!


What is Libby?  

Libby is a free app where you can borrow ebooks and digital audiobooks from your public library. You can stream books with Wi-Fi or mobile data, or download them for offline use and read anytime, anywhere.  You can also use the website on a computer! All you need to get started is a library card.

IXL Summer Resources

IXL is an easy and effective resource that is still available to your students over the summer to keep learning going.  Setting a goal of just 20-30 minutes of skill practice each day can make a HUGE difference in your child's skill retention and skill development. 

‌Encourage your student to work on any unfinished skills from their grade level this past year....there are so many to choose from!

Here will also find some fun IXL practice coupons you can create for your student as incentives for their summer practice, as well as a summer calendar they can print and use to track and post goals, how much time they worked, or skills they completed. 

IXL's 2023 Study in the Sun Contest

IXL is having their annual Study in the Sun contest to encourage learning all summer long! The contest runs from June 12 to August 6. Winners will be announced on the IXL Facebook page and the IXL Blog on Monday, August 14.

Read how the contest works and get answers to frequently asked questions at the following link:



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